
At Elements Room, we take pride in offering high-quality products from reputable brands that come with manufacturer warranties. We want to ensure that our customers have a clear understanding of how these warranties work, so please read the following information carefully:
1. Manufacturer’s Warranty:
    • -Our products are backed by the manufacturer’s warranty, which may vary depending on the brand and product type.
      -The warranty period begins from the date of purchase, and the terms and conditions of the warranty are provided by the manufacturer.
      -Elements Room is not responsible for any warranty claims or repairs. Please refer to the manufacturer’s warranty documentation for specific details on coverage and warranty duration.
2. Warranty Registration:
    • Some manufacturers may require product registration to activate the warranty. It is the customer’s responsibility to complete this registration if necessary.
3. Proof of Purchase:
    • To avail of warranty services, you must retain a copy of your purchase receipt as proof of purchase. Without this, the manufacturer may not honor the warranty.
4. Warranty Coverage:
    • -The warranty typically covers defects in materials and workmanship under normal use conditions.
      -Damage resulting from misuse, neglect, accidents, or unauthorized repairs may void the warranty.